Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dinosaur Facts!!!

A new genus/species of dinosaurs have been found in Antartica! It has lived in the Early Jurassic 190 milllion years ago and is a massive plant-eating dinosaur. It is a primitive sauropodomorph and is called Glacialisaurus hammeri. This new type of species were the largest animals to ever walk on earth too. It was also extremely difficult to take out the fossils in Antartica because of the hard weather there.

I always liked dinosaurs because they were the coolest animals I've read about in books when I was little. This new species of dinosaurs really fascinates me because it has been found in Antartica, a place I would have never guessed would have dinosaur fossils buried there. I am also astounded by the fact that their sister relatives were the Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor (those both being meat eaters) , and modern birds. Modern birds being relatives to land animals really fascinates me as well.